Wu Wei [2004]

Boštjan Leben, Lado Jakša

Bostjan Leben – Classical & Acoustic Guitars, E-bow
Lado Jaksa – Soprano and Alto Saxophone, Clarinet, Piano


1. The GatelessGate*
2. Mumonkan*
3. Hirajoshi
4. Moksha
5. Koan
6. Beyond
7. 9/8 Mantra
8. Suchness

Produced, Arranged, Composed, Recorded, Mixed by Bostjan Leben & Lado Jaksa

It’s very hard to describe music on “WU – WEI ” album (with saxophonist Lado
Jaksa) recorded in 2004, but well- known music reviewer did a god job with
these words: “They are the kind of musicians who don’t seek to be liked and
yet are accesible to the great majority of people. Why? Because the difficulty in
interpretation, the traps of scores always vanish before the utter simplicity and
purety of the melodies that they write and make you feel like singing… The
themes composed by these two men are gold- digger’s dreams…
“WU – WEI, which features Leben’s tasteful, well articulated acoustic guitar and
Lado Jaksa’s mellow sax is an improvisational travelogue through jazz, world
and classical styles. (GUITAR WORLD MAGAZINE, NEW YORK)

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